Selecting an occupied slot will give you the options to. Selecting an empty slot allows you to equip an item. You may also equip your Guardian Beast with spells or items. Use the L and R buttons to switch between your Guardian Beast and your character. You can equip a total of 3 weapons and one piece of accessory.
Menu = Pressing start will lead you to the in-game menu with the following options: Equipment Assisting Equipment Item Magic Weapons Status List Save Equipment - This is where you equip your weapons. Added translations of weapon type descriptions in 'Forging Weapons'. v1.10 - Added note to the start of the walkthrough to clear up the confusion about what 'GB' means. Version History = v1.00 - Original guide. Now his son/daughter must make his/her way through a tournament forging one's own weapons to become a high craftsman. He is called a hero for saving the world 3 years ago.
He/She (the main character can be a male or a female) is the son/daughter of Shintetsu, a famous high craftsman in the land of Linbalm. In this game, the mystical tale is based on one main character who has a dream of becoming a high craftsman. YES NOthe people of Linbalm as there is no other way to call things from those dimensions.